Stressed and Short-Staffed? What YOU Can Do About It
12/19/23 at 10:00 AM to 12/19/23 at 11:30 AM
Public safety personnel are stressed. Due to chronic understaffing, they report increased fear for their safety, stress levels that impact their health and their ability to provide high-quality service, and reduced time to train. Many are considering leaving their agency or the field all together. These are the overarching themes from this year’s Lexipol Media Group state-of-the-industry surveys of more than 3,100 paramedics, 4,100 law enforcement officers and 2,100 firefighters.
While staffing is a long-term problem, there are immediate actions individuals and leaders can take to mitigate the impact of staffing-related stress.
Join us for a review of these exclusive survey results collected by Police1, FireRescue1 and EMS1 and an interactive discussion of how first responders can take an active role in improving morale and reducing the stress they experience. Public safety leaders will also learn how to improve communication within their organizations and better respond to the needs of their personnel.
You’ll learn:
- What the data indicates about how staffing issues and stress are affecting cops, firefighters and paramedics.
- Tips for public safety personnel to reduce the impact of mandatory overtime.
- How to train where there’s no time and no budget.
- Strategies for public safety leaders to encourage personnel to utilize available wellness resources.
Presented by:
Dr. Maria Beermann-Foat, PhD, MBA, NRP
Chief Brian Fennessy, Orange County (CA) Fire Authority
Greg Friese, MS NRP, Editorial Director, Lexipol Media
Mandy Nice, Strategic Wellness Director, Lexipol
Chief Roger Schei, Pocatello (ID) Police Department