Report a Claim

The following questions will help you determine the appropriate program for which claim forms should be completed. If you have questions, contact PERMA for assistance.

Was a city/agency vehicle damaged?

Program: Auto Physical Damage

  1. Report the loss to the TPA using the loss form.
    • Don’t wait for documentation. The city/agency should report  the loss ASAP so the TPA can help with the next steps.
  2. Additional forms and helpful information are located on the Auto Physical Damage page (link is provided above).

Was city/agency property damaged?

Program: Property

  1. Report the loss to the TPA using the loss form.
    • Don’t wait for documentation. The city/agency should report the loss ASAP so the TPA can help with the next steps.
  2. Additional forms and helpful information are located at the Property link above.
  • NOTE: if the damaged property was NOT included on your agency’s schedule, it is likely not a “covered” incident. You may report it to be sure, however, please be aware your agency may be responsible for pursue subrogation against the responsible party if it was not covered. See the subrogation page on the website for more information.

 Did another party experience property damage or bodily injury?

Program: Liability

  1. If the injured party believes the city/agency was at fault, the injured party should file a claim with the city/agency clerk.
    1. Please note: City/Agency employees should never express opinions regarding cause, fault, or liability.
    2. Third parties should not be instructed to call PERMA.
      • We are unable to discuss/resolve matters until we have received a completed claim form from the member agency.
    3. Third parties should present their claims to the members by mail or personal delivery (not by email).
    4. PERMA Members need to use a claim form which includes all of the information found on the PERMA claim form template.
    5. When you receive a claim, date stamp the claim form, and email an electronic scan of the claim form and envelope to PERMA’s claim team ( along with a cover sheet.

Was an employee injured or do they have an illness?

Program: workers’ compensation

  1. The city’s/agency’s workers’ compensation TPA adjuster will provide appropriate forms and direction.
    • If you do not know your city’s/agency’s TPA, please contact PERMA.
  2. California law requires employers to report within five days of knowledge every occupational injury or illness which results in lost time beyond the date of the incident OR requires medical treatment beyond first aid.

Did an employee complain about harassment, discrimination or retaliation?

Program: employment practices liability

Anytime a city official learns someone has complained about harassment, discrimination, or retaliation, it must be reported to ERMA and PERMA’s liability claim team. Do not wait for a tort claim, lawsuit, DFEH or EEOC claim or for a completed investigation. If you are unclear about whether it should be reported, please report it. ERMA (which provides coverage from the member retention to $1M) will provide additional instruction and has a wealth of resources and experts available.  While PERMA does not provide coverage for employment practices liability claims, PERMA has a reporting obligation to PRISM, our excess pool partner.

Do you suspect your agency may have experienced theft, fraud, or embezzlement?

Program: Crime

Crime coverage is designed to cover the financial loss of an organization due to theft, fraud, embezzlement. The coverage also includes faithful performance. If you suspect something has happened, report the incident as soon as possible.

Did your agency experience a cyber security incident?

Program: Cyber

It is imperative that a cyber incident be reported to the carrier immediately. Prompt reporting enables the carrier to assist in swiftly containing damage, restore normal business operations, minimize downtown, and financial loss. Reporting the claim quickly also ensures you have professional resources available to provide assistance.